Swim Lessons and the VARK Method

The VARK model is a popular method used to categorize learning styles, and the acronym stands for visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic. We recognize that not all of our students will fit neatly into one category, or that someone might have characteristics of...

Adult Swim Lessons? We Have Them!

Happy New Year! We all know that exercising more is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. If it is one of yours, why not commit to giving yourself swim lessons with us this summer? We teach adults! Many of our adult clients register after watching their kids’...

Core Values Series: Systemization

Welcome back to our Core Values Series! We’re breaking down our core values to give you a better idea of the purpose behind Whatley Swim, or why we do what we do. We strive to incorporate these values into our biggest decisions down to our smallest ones. The core...

Traditional Swim Lessons vs. ISR

Today we’re going to break down the important distinctions between ISR (Infant Swimming Resource) and traditional swim lessons through Whatley Swim. Before we get started, we wanted to mention that at Whatley Swim, we’re not anti-ISR. We just don’t offer it, and it is...

Core Values Series: Integrity

integrity noun in·​teg·​ri·​ty | in-ˈte-grə-tē   Definition of integrity   1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY 2: an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS 3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided :...

The Safety Swim

https://www.whatleyswim.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/294257388_1138030090115917_2613014159322106829_n.mp4 One of the markers of success we work toward with beginning swimmers is The Safety Swim.  Successful completion of this skill means that the student can jump...

Core Values Series: Individuality

We help our students learn to swim faster because we approach each student individually.  Our instructors all have different strengths and when I train them, I set them up for success by feeding them the training concepts they need through demonstrations or...

3 Tips to Find the Right Goggles this Summer

There are so many brands, styles, and types of goggles and finding one to fit your growing child is sometimes difficult. As a swim instructor, I’ve seen just about every kind of goggles kids wear. Here are a few tips to narrow down your goggle search this year! DO get...

Top 3 Reasons Your Child Won’t Wear Goggles

Goggles can be a challenge for both parents and children. Even if you found a good pair of goggles, there are several things that may get in the way of a smooth pool day. Here are three common issues that may come up and some simple solutions to make your summer...

3 Tricks to Help Your Child Blow Bubbles

https://www.whatleyswim.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/defdfb2b5e8f45a18cb0ac7334ce3f05.mp4 Blowing bubbles It’s one of the first things your child should learn in swim lessons. It is an essential step towards swimming more than just a few feet. This foundation...
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