Happy New Year! We all know that exercising more is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. If it is one of yours, why not commit to giving yourself swim lessons with us this summer?
We teach adults! Many of our adult clients register after watching their kids’ lessons and deciding that they themselves want to learn or improve.
We teach…
-adults with no prior experience, who may be afraid of the water or didn’t spend much time around it as a child
-adults with limited experience who want to feel more comfortable in the water or with a particular skill (back floating, treading water, etc.)
-adults with a lot of experience who want to finally master the butterfly or other advanced skills
Some benefits of swimming…
-gives you a full-body workout and burns lots of calories doing it
-boosts your energy levels and decreases stress
-is low-impact, which can aid runners or other athletes in cross-training or as they recover from an injury
Perhaps some of the biggest benefits of taking swim lessons this summer might not be the physical changes it gives you, however. It might be the confidence the lessons give you, and then watching that confidence spill over into your career or other areas. It might be the way your children cheer you on from the edge of the pool, proud of you for facing your fears. It might be the way that, even after your lessons finish, you push yourself to continue learning and trying new things. Our staff and instructors will work with you to make sure your lessons meet your unique needs and goals and leave you satisfied and happy that you decided to, pun intended, take the plunge.
Contact us today about lessons for the summer! Or, if you’re wondering if you could teach yourself to swim, read our blog: Can I Teach Myself to Swim?
And are you curious about what swim lessons are best for your child? Take the quiz now!
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I would like to register for adult swimming class. Please let me know when we can register and availability (date/time)